Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Microsoft's Zune catching up.

Let me point out that I'm not a fan of Microsoft at all. I don't like the Zune, their "iPod-killer" or any of its features. Microsoft's CEOs said the Zune would destroy the iPod pre-launch only to get slapped in the face by poor sales. It's hard to take any representatives from Microsoft seriously, but I admire their new efforts. Microsoft ditched their old ad agency and revamped their new image for the music player. Have you seen the new commericial? Unbelieveably cool. It's getting a lot of buzz because it's quite unique. I'd say it might even be better the iPod commercials. It sends off a vibe of uniqueness and originality with one's self, instead of "be trendy."

But will the new hip website and commericals do justice? Will it increase Zune's sells? It's tough to say. Zune's entry into the marketplace was poor and instead of re-targeting audiences and sending new messages, they are doing a second entry. "The All New Zune," they say, even thought theres not much new about it other than lower prices to be competitive with the new entries of iPods.

In short: they have great new ads and I admire the effort, but they still have much work to do.

1 comment:

camccune said...

Good post, but you need to clean up some typos, to whit:

Have you seen the new commericial (sp)?
Will it increase Zune's sales (not sells)?
...even thought there's not much new...